"Midnight Train" by The Men They Couldn't Hang explores themes of societal decline, industrialization, and the destructive consequences of progress. The song uses the metaphor of a train to depict the movement and impact of these changes. . . ....
The imagery of the "Midnight Train" being like a chain around the body of the land alludes to the suffocating impact of progress on society. The reference to "Seven boxcars full of trouble waiting for Pandora's hand" implies that the consequences of progress are like impending disasters, ready to be unleashed.
Overall, "Midnight Train" by The Men They Couldn't Hang presents a critical view of industrialization and progress, exploring the detrimental effects they have on society, particularly in terms of environmental degradation, societal decline, and the potential for disaster.
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I have wondered through the halls of hell, on the midnight train of prisoners, in the late night darkness to see what it was like. From time to time I would hear the groans of gown men, sobbing. The most startling were the outbursts of repentant souls for their horrid crimes. The agony of grief and guilt never ends. Tortured by a time train that runs deep through their souls in the darkness of sin's devastation that is endless. Their life was sentenced to the every night hellish nightmares and dreams of hell's fury. Only One can stop this train wreck, that is the Lord Jesus Christ.
Those who enter these halls must walk with Christ in compassion, patience, and the hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. With this their armor, their courage, and their strength set ablaze the black nights of endless torture. The world must be able to see that a kingly spirit such as ours in Christ stands unbroken, unbreakable, before all the blows of life, because greater is Christ in me, stronger than any enemy ever! Our life must also carry for all to see the times of our scars, days of sorrow, seasons of despair only to be healed, restored, nurtured by Him. This is our seminary, our bible college of higher learning to teach the uttermost lost of our world. The deeper the wound to be viewed by the lost the greater the lesson learned for them to find their way. In these days of darkness we are prepared for the future brethren to help them through as we passed through. Ah, these are the times that our life will shine brightest in a blighted alien world. When we should sorrow, we rejoice, fail in despair, we rise in victory.
This new life in Christ in prison becomes contentious when new believers choose Christ, not sin. So intense is the hate from train wrecked sinners for God's servants that it presses on those around us. The train riders watch as time and time again the new man now headed home chooses Him, not them. And so, our life of praise drawing men to Him becomes an enigma to their own family. For they will realize they, loved ones, too must suffer, for the one called to service. They too must either shine in support or sorrow in self. It is not easy. But when all are in tune with the Holy Spirit, the light that shines cannot be missed by the heathen nations.
Like the great headlight of the mighty locomotive racing through darkness a way is lit for the lost behind bars when the faithful filled with the Holy Spirit step beyond past walls of bias and fear. Their unconditional love, non-judgmental grace, and the power of the hope of the Gospel bring that one spark of God's Hope wooing the broken lives to Himself. Be the Conductor seeking those who would have their tickets punched by the promise of Christ for everlasting forgiveness and life.